Sep 23, 2020
EASTON — The late John Ford’s legacy of leadership and public service continues to inspire tributes in his memory.
On Sept. 16, Matthew Peters, executive director of the Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center in Easton, and Board President Harvey Zendt paid a visit to
Ford’s wife Peggy Ford. They wanted to give her a copy of a plaque they hung on the wall of the center.
The plaque was “so thoughtfully written, ” Peggy Ford said. “It was very sweet, very lovely.”
Ford said her rst impulse was to give the plaque back to Peters and Zendt to hang in ChesMRC’s oce after she had shown it to her son Ben. “I didn’t even
have to say it,” she said. “I’ll have one and they’ll have one, which me feel very, very humbled, but proud that they feel so much for John and what he had done
for the organization.”