Cub Scouts to collect food for hungry Nov. 21

By CONNIE CONNOLLY   Nov 15, 2020

EASTON — Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center’s Cub Scout Pack 003 and many other units in the Choptank District will be participating in the Scouting For Food activity next weekend.

Cub Scouts will be distributing door hangers around Easton, and other units will focus on surrounding towns and areas.

You can help feed the hungry by leaving a bag or box of dried or canned goods on your front steps Saturday, Nov. 21, for pick up. Cub scouts will take the donated food to the Neighborhood Service Center in Easton.

“Scouting for Food teaches youths the value of helping others. ‘Do a good turn daily,’ is the Scout slogan and, ‘to help other people at all times,’ is one of the planks of the Scout Oath,” according to the Del-Mar-Va Council of Boy Scouts of America.

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