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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its first-ever national study of the leading causes of death as well as risk factors, disease prevalence and access to health services among U.S. Hispanics. It found that while the death rate among the nation’s fastest-growing ethnic group is 24 percent lower than non-Hispanic whites, the Latino community is hit hard by certain diseases and conditions.
Hispanics or Latinos are the largest racial/ethnic minority population in the United States. Heart disease and cancer in Hispanics are the two leading causes of death. Hispanics have a lower fatality rate from most of the 10 leading causes of death with three exceptions: more deaths from diabetes and chronic liver disease, and similar numbers of deaths from kidney diseases. Health risk can vary by Hispanic subgroup and also depends partly on whether you were born in the U.S. or another country.
What can you do?
View the complete report here, and below is the Fact Sheet in Spanish: