Matthew Peters Honored at Multicultural Festival

May 7, 2016 – At the 17th Annual Multicultural Festival, The Avalon Foundation and the Town of Easton honored ChesMRC Director, Matthew Peters for his ongoing efforts in improving the lives of Easton’s immigrant community.

In this ceremony, Mayor Bob Willey presented Matthew with a formal proclamation and the keys to the city of Easton.

ChesMRC and The Avalon Foundation worked “behind the scenes” to make this presentation a surprise for Matthew, who showed his astonishment at receiving such an honor.


Traditional South American Dance by Girl Scouts in Troop #1536

The Cub Scouts Pack #3 and the Girl Scouts Troop #1536 that ChesMRC helps lead, stayed on stage to assist with presenting Mateo with the award.


Michelle Hammond takes blood pressure and hands out health messages

It was truly a touching experience as students from the ChesMRC High School Afterschool Program chanted “Mateo” in support of his award as well as an outward show of support from the families and community he works so hard to serve.

The ChesMRC has been actively involved in the Multicultural Festival for the past 4 years and has seen it grow considerably since their involvement. This year proved to continue that trend as the event hosted over 80 vendors and entertainment acts and featured dancing/music, brilliant clothing, collectibles, crafts, food from a multitude of different cultures.

ChesMRC hosted a table which featured face painting and button making as well as a Girl Scout table, Venturing Crew table and MOTA (Minority Outreach Technical Assistance) table where Health Outreach Coordinator, Michelle Hammond took blood pressure screenings. Overall the event was a huge success and ChesMRC looks forward to continuing its growth for years to come.


Melissa Lewis helps kids make their flags into buttons!


Face Painting done by the Venturing Crew

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ChesMRC HS Afterschool Students in the Venturing Crew


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