Frequently Asked Questions
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About Language
Where could I learn Spanish?
Chesapeake College offers several courses to satisfy various needs. “Command Spanish”, for example, teaches participants how to communicate in context-specific situations through a set of specific questions, answers and expressions. No grammar is involved. Beside the regularly scheduled classes, this course could be offered in a contractual basis and adapted to the client’s needs.
For a greater command of the language, Chesapeake College offers a Spanish Continuing Education Certificate. This program is suitable for persons interested in communicating efficiently in community, professional, and traveling situations. For information about any of the previously mentioned options, please contact Ms. Lois Thomas.
A 60-credit Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree is also available. This program facilitates transfer to a Maryland four-year institution for students to complete a course of study to become a Spanish secondary education teacher. For More Information, contact Dr. Deanna Reinard
Free Spanish and other languages courses are available through the Eastern Shore Free Libraries. Examples of GALE courses include Speed Spanish, Spanish in the Classroom, Instant Italian, and Beginning Conversational French. ESL Courses are also available.
If interested in private lessons or tutoring, please contact ChesMRC directly.
How could someone prove that he/she is bilingual?
If you are about to hire a bilingual employee and would like to make sure he/she has the language skills you’re looking for, you could request a language proficiency test.
As part of the work of the Talbot Language and Cultural Competence project, Chesapeake College’s Testing Center became an authorized proctor of this test, which provides participants with a certificate that describes their oral level of bilingualism. The test consists of a friendly interview in a foreign or secondary language. Depending on the language requested, the interview could be virtual (computer-based), or a real-time phone interview. Experts from Language Testing International (a leader in language proficiency testing for more than 120 languages in over 60 countries) evaluate the tests.
To coordinate a Language Proficiency Test, please contact the Testing Center (Phone: 410-822-5400, ext. 2344. Email: Advanced payment is required. ** This service may not be available due to COVID-19. Please send an inquiry to request updates.
Additional notes: 1) Bilingual individuals wishing to include this credential in their resumes can also use this resource. 2) Access to a language proficiency test is also included in Chesapeake College’s Community Interpreting course.
Where do I refer adults who wish to learn English, obtain a high school diploma, or continue their education?
Chesapeake College serves Maryland’s five-county Mid Shore area: Talbot, Queen Anne’s, Caroline, Dorchester, and Kent counties.
- For ABE/GED classes, contact Danie Thomas at (410) 829-6043 (text) or
- For ESL classes, contact Karen Luceti at (410) 443-1163 (text) or
- For NEDP information, contact us via
Free ESL courses are also available through the Eastern Shore Free Libraries. GALE courses are excellent to complement formal learning.
About Cultural Competence
How do I continue to expand my knowledge and develop skills after the cultural competence training?
Our cultural competence training, typically delivered over two hours, is a very ambitious program. In this short period of time, participants have described their experiences as “eye opening, informative, and thought provoking”.
Our program evaluations suggest that most participants walk away with a desire of connecting with diverse clients in a more meaningful and effective way. Often, these evaluations include very specific questions that could be best answered by professional colleagues and the clients themselves.
The quest for cultural competence entails an endless curiosity for one’s own world and others’. Finding the intersection between one’s personal views and others’ is an exercise that requires open dialogue, respect, and trust. Despite language and cultural barriers, people around the world feel connected through kindness, cordiality, and trust.
We encourage you to continue the dialogue with clients and colleagues. Expressing interest for one’s cultural identity a good way to spark conversation.
About Services
What services does ChesMRC provide?
The Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center (ChesMRC) empowers people from different cultures to become successful and engaged members of our community.
Over time, we have specialized in family support, immigration, legal, and health services, youth programs, amongst others. As the needs of the immigrant community change, we continue to adapt our services.
Where do we send people in need of resources?
We are a well connected organization that works collaboratively with multiple community partners. We facilitate connections between clients and other resourceful organizations.
All inquiries are welcome. Please contact us if you have any questions and feel free to refer us to others, including your clients. Walk ins are welcome.
A service directory is also available, which includes agencies/organizations from Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester Counties.